Literary works of Sree Narayana gurudevan
* Ashramam, Five verses in Sanskrit on the rules of the of the ‘Sree Narayana Dharmasangham’ written in Sanskrit in 1928.
* Advaitha Deepika (The bright lamp of non-dual wisdom) in Malayalam. Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Admavilasam, an essay on God.
* Anukampa Desakam (Ten verses on Mercy) in Malayalam Written in 1914.
* Ardha Nari-Iswara Stotram (Five verses on the androgynous Shiva) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897. Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Arivu (Fifteen verses on Knowledge) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Atmopadesa Satakam (One hundred verses on Self Instruction) in Malayalam Written in 1897.
* Janani Nava Ratna Manjari, in Malayalam written in 18 … in praise of the Supreme Mother.
* Bahuleya Ashtakam (Eight verses on Bahuleya ) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Bhadrakali Ashtakam (Eight verses on Bhadrakali) in Sanskrit Written in 1884.
* Bhariya Dharmam, Ten verses on the qualities of a housewife, translated from Tamil.
* Brahma Vidya Panchakam (Five verses on the Science of the Absolute) in Sanskrit Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Chinta Jadangal (Ten verses on Thought and Inertia) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Chijjada Chinthakam, an essay.
* Chijjda Chintanam (Reflections of the mind and Inertia) in Malayalam Written in 1881.
* Chitambara Ashtakam (Eight verses on the Mental sky, Shiva) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Darsana Mala (Garland of Visions) in Sanskrit Written in 1916.
* Daiva Chintanam part 1, (Essay on reflections of the divine) in Malayalam Written in 1881.
Daiwa Chintanam part 2, (a verse and an essay on reflections of the divine) in Malayalam Written in 1881
* Daiwa Desakam (Ten verses on God) in Malayalam, Written in 1914.
* Dharmam, One verse written in Sanskrit.
* Charamaslokam, two verses in Sanskrit, written at the passing of Chattampi Swamykal.
* Bhadrakali Ashtakam, Eight verses and Bhalashruthi on the Goddess Bhadrakali in Sanskrit Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Brahmavidyapanchakam, Five verses in Sanskrit on the science of the Absolute written between 1888 and 1897.
* Devi Prenamadevyaastakam (©al£±dX¡h©al¬¡néJ«), Eight verses in Sanskrit in praise of Devi. (The author ship of this Is not full confirmed.)
* Devi Stavam, Nine verses on the Goddess Supreme in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Gadya Prardhana, A prayer in prose.
* Guha Ashtakam (Eight verses on Guha or Subrahmanyan) in Sanskrit Written in 1884.
* Homa Mantram in Sanskrit Written in 1925.
* Indriya Vairagyam (Fifteen verses on Detachment) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Isa Vashya Upanishad (Translation of the Isa-vashya) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Janani Nava Ratna Manjari (A cluster of nine verses on Mother) in Malayalam Written in 1909.
* Jati Lekshanam, Ten verses in Malayalam on the signs of Jati (kind) of living things written in Malayalam.
* Jati Mimamsa (Jati Nirnayam), A critique of Caste, First verse in Sanskrit remaining in Malayalam Written in 1914.
* Jeeva Karunya Panchakam (Five verses on Kindness to life) in Malayalam Written in 1914.
* Kali Natakam (A long poem on the Dance of Kali) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Kolatheerashwastavam, Ten verses on Shiva (Kolathukara Temple) in Malayalam.
* Kundalini Pattu (Seventeen verses with a refrain of the Kundalini snake) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Mananateetam (Vairagya Desakam), Ten verses on Detachment in Malayalam Written in 1884.
* Mannanthala Devi Stavam, Nine verses on the Goddess of Mannanthala, in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Municharya Panchakam (Five verses on the way of the Renounced Recluse) in Sanskrit Written in 1916.
* Navamanjari (A cluster of nine verses) in two series, one in Malayalam and another in Sanskrit.
* Nirvriti Panchakam (Five verses on Inward Release) in Malayalam Sanskrit Written in 1915.
* Ottapadyangal (A sequence of fifteen verses) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Ozhivil Odukkam, Translated form Tamil to Malayalam. Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Oru Samasyapooranam, one verses written in Malayalam in 1897.
* Oru Tamil Sloam, one verse in Tamil. * Oru Mangalashamsa, One verses written in Malayalam written on the occasion of the publication of a magazine in memory of Kumaranashan in 1925.
* Pinda Nandi (Nine verses on Prenatal gratitude) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Sadacharam, Seven verses on good conduct in Malayalam.
* Sadashiva darshanam (Vision of the Eternal Shiva) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Shanmukha Dashakam, Ten verses on Subrahmanyan in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Shanmathurastavam, Hymn to the lake born god Subrahmanyan in Sanskrit Written in 1887.
* Sanyasimahima (Nittarperumai), Ten verses translated from Tamil.
* Saravana Bhava Stuti (Ten verses on Subrahmanyan) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Shanmukha Stotram, Nineteen verses on the Six Faced god Subrahmanyan in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Subramanya Keerthanam, Fifteen verses of praise to Lord Subrhamanya in Malayalam Written in 1887.
* Shiva Ashtakam (Eight verses on Shiva) in Malayalam Written in 1887.
* Shivashatakam, one hundred verses on Shiva in Malayalam.
* Shiva Prasada Panchakam (Five verses on the Grace of Shiva) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Shivastavam (Prepanchsristi), Ten verses on Shiva in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Sloktreyi, Three verses in Sanskrit.
* Shree Krishnadarshanam. (A single verse in praise of Shree Krishna written in Sanskrit) year not known.
* Subrahmanyan Ashtakam (Eight verses to Subrahmanyan) in Malayalam. Written in 1887.
* Subrahmanyan Stotram (Fifteen verses on Subrahmanyan) in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Subrahmanyan Stuthi, sixty one verses in praise of Lord Subrahmanyan written in Malayalam. (The author ship of this Is not full confirmed.)
* Sree Narayana Smriti (A work on religious or social conduct) in Malayalam Written in 1918.
* Sree Vasudeva Ashtakam (Eight verses on Shree Vasudeva) in Sanskrit Written in 1884.
* Swanubhava Giti (Vibhoothi darshanam) Song of self-realization in Malayalam Written between 1888 and 1897.
* Thevarappathikangal (Five Hymn about God in Tamil) written in 1887.
* Tirukkural (Translation of Tirukkural) in Malayalam.
I want Narayan Guru's book in hindi, please inform this kind of books.
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