Sree narayana gurudevan and Mahakavi Kumaran Ashan

Dr. Palpu
JAGATH GURU SREE NARAYANA GURUDEVAN, (Nārāyana Guru (नारायण गुरु,നാരായണ ഗുരു) (1855 - 1928), also known as Sree Nārāyana Guru Swami,great saint,Philosopher,Social Reformer and Poet of Kerala(India)who preached “Oru jati, oru matham, oru daivam manushyanu (one caste, one religion, one God for humanity)”,
i am looking for details of tamples Gurudevan consecrated including a small write-up and photographs. where can i get it? i have a list of names but i need the above type of details.
somansom@gmail.com somansom@rediffmail.com
Mob: 09998022965 097123 99988
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